I am getting ready for the Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show next weekend! This is one of my favorite craft shows of the year and it is one of the best in the country. The quality is really extraordinary and includes some of my favorite
artists such as
Elyse Allen, http://www.elyseallentextiles.com/index.php
Niki Ulehla http://www.nikiulehla.com/jewelry
John Iversen http://www.patina-gallery.com/searchresults.php?artistId=1390&submit=Search%21&low&high&id=19A9-CGGH-6E59&start=1
Philip Webberhttp://weberboxes.com/resume/home/page-10/
Ikuzi Teraki and Jeanne Bisson romuluscraft.com
Ani D. Kasten anikasten.com and
Michael Schunke & Josie Gluck vetrovero.com